
Hissy Fit - March 2021 - Two Life Lessons: Ones We Never Learn

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - March 2021 - Two Life Lessons: Ones We Never Learn

We humans are a funny lot. We are smart (compared to animals)
(well, some of us),
complex, advanced, emotive, capable-of-learning,
top-of-the-food-chain dominators.

However, there are some simple theories most of us just can’t seem to
absorb into our thick, upright-standing brains.

Lesson 1: Are you aware that hot pizza burns the roof of your mouth? Of course you are, and you know this because you have burned the roof of your mouth with hot pizza…more than once. And yet, for some reason, we, and I’m talking about, you and the entire human race—although 3-billion pizzas are consumed in the United States every year and only 5-billion total in the entire world, so technically this is an American problem—continue to burn our mouths on pizza at an alarming rate.


Publisher - March 2021

Publisher - March 2021

“Our bodies and souls are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.”
— William Shakespeare —

I can’t help but smile as I drive around daily seeing the colorful, visual explosion of red bud trees, Bradford pears, azaleas, and all the glorious blooms of the season. With the exception of pollen, which is a necessary evil, this is my favorite time of the year. It’s when we all come out of our shells on Doldrums Lane and shake off the heaviness of winter to open up to the power of sunshine and nature. It is the time of year when growth likes to show out a bit, bloom fully and bask.

Ah. It almost appears that I am no longer talking about flowers, and indeed I’m not. I’m talking about personal growth—something just as beautiful and exciting as spring in full bloom!


Hissy Fit - February 2021 - I'm a Winner: But I Quit a Little

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - February 2021 - I'm a Winner: But I Quit a Little

I would say I’m not a quitter, but I am. It’s very hard to admit because
I’ve always prided myself on going the distance, above and beyond, do or die.
In thinking both ahead and behind of where I am right now,
it’s clear to see that I am indeed a quitter.
And, I’m sad about it. I always thought better of myself.


Publisher - February 2021

Publisher - February 2021

“You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: 'Did he have passion?'”
—Dean, from the movie Serendipity—

I wrote the following words, which somewhat turned into a poem about passion, several years ago. I had just come off of a weeklong trip of solitude and writing. In addition, I was enjoying newly found success in my weight-loss journey, as I fit into size-10 jeans, a huge improvement from the previous size18s. I felt alive and happy and I was filled with hope.


Hissy Fit - January 2021 - Slow and Steady: Way Better Than All or None

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - January 2021 - Slow and Steady: Way Better Than All or None

By now I hope your New Year’s resolution (NYR) is in full swing. If you’ve chosen weight loss
as your goal (which is the No. 1 NYR) you, like many, may have chosen the All or None Approach, because that’s just who you are. So obviously, you have managed to discard every cookie, popsicle, potato, rice, potato chip, pasta, bread slice and morsel of chocolate that you could find in your home. You have gone to the gym every day since January 2, and you are contemplating staring into the pantry to figure out how to make something deliciously sweet with a one packet of Sweet’n Low, apricot preserves someone gave you two years ago for Christmas, peanut butter and a high-fiber, low carb English muffin. You are living on the edge with your extreme plan that is sure to soon fail.

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