Glam Guide: Fast Fit Body Sculpting

Fast Fit Body Sculpting

Bluffton/HHI: 843-707-2981; Moss Creek Shopping Village, 1533 Fording Island Road, Suite 298
, Hilton Head Island;
Pooler, GA: 912-777-2174; Parkway Commons, 119 Canal St., Suite 105, Pooler
Mon.-Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9- Noon. 
Please call to schedule your complimentary mini-trial session.

Our customers love: Clients love that we have a Fast Fit Success Guarantee. We guarantee you will lose 3 to 9 inches of fat in 45 days! (That’s fast! And, many clients lose more than 3 to 9 inches in less than 45 days!) Our awesome clients also love our caring lipolysis technicians. Clients look forward to coming in for their relaxing and invigorating fat loss sessions.

The skinny on us: We use technology to safely target stubborn fat. It’s non-invasive, with no pain, no down time and no damage to your fat cells. Our client results speak for themselves! See our stories on our Facebook page or website.

The vibe: It’s a spa-like atmosphere. Very relaxing. You won’t even break a sweat! Come do a session on your lunch break, after work or before you hit the gym.  

We’re unique because: Our staff is trained, knowledgeable and fully invested in giving you what you need to get your body back. Our technology is also completely safe and does no harm to your body. You will have only positive results in many ways. What we do is not just about fat loss, it’s also about simply feeling better.

We feature great stuff: We’re not going to give away all our secrets! Come see us to learn more about simple changes in your nutrition for permanent results! We call it the All Natural Secret Weapon.

What’s all the buzz? Who doesn’t have at least one area of stubborn fat they wish they could get rid of. We use technology every day, so doesn’t it make sense to use technology to shrink fat? Absolutely! Call to schedule your complimentary mini-trial session, so you can experience our technology first-hand. We also offer a detailed body composition analysis that will help the lipolysis consultant help you determine the right number of sessions for you!

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