
Hissy Fit - April 2022 - Au Revoir, Squirrel: It’s All Your fault

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - April 2022 - Au Revoir, Squirrel: It’s All Your fault

The Lowcountry is an outdoor paradise,
and it’s never more alive than spring.
Living here for many years, I have seen some amazing things
when it comes to animals in nature.

I witnessed dolphins in action not only strand feeding, but I actually saw them setting up their plan and interacting with each other. This is a learned practice indigenous to the Lowcountry salt marshes, and it’s something I will always be in awe of. Once, I walked close to five miles to where Fish Haul Creek splits the beach. My long walk bore a reward—a pair of bald eagles wading in the sea foam on the shore. I stood in amazement at their stature and power.


Publisher - March 2022

Publisher - March 2022

“‘Is the spring coming?’ he said. ‘What is it like…’
‘It is the sun shining on the rain
and the rain falling on the sunshine…’”
– Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden -

About this time of year, animals that are known to hibernate begin to emerge from their long winter naps. There is no given day for this occurence; it is based on rising temperatures and longer sunlight. It’s no coincidence that these two factors also arouse humans to emerge from the stale dimness of the indoors to meander out to sit on park benches, take long walks and look at the sky to gather the sun’s warmth.


Hissy Fit - March 2022 - Nature’s Calling: Better Flush

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - March 2022 - Nature’s Calling: Better Flush

Ladies, I love you, but we have a problem—how nasty women become
in public restrooms. As the final story in this month’s #Nature’sCalling issue,
this Hissy Fit is going to get down and dirty about when nature really calls.

I don’t get it at all. I was recently at a Ducks Unlimited Banquet and the ladies bathroom had signs posted all over it: Please flush after use. Who needs this notice? Do you need a reminder to flush the toilet after you have done your business, because I don’t. I’ve known—and followed—this rule since the day I was potty trained. In fact, it’s a rule I have no desire to break. I may have wanted to smoke in the bathroom at school in the 10th grade, but I’ve never not wanted to flush the toilet. Nor have I ever thought it was just too monumental a task. Gee, I would flush the toilet if I just weren’t so tired. Whatever!


Publisher - February 2022

Publisher - February 2022

“Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese Proverb

It’s only February, and though I have made some progress, I need a do-over. The year is already getting away from me, even though 2022 is the year I promised myself I would design my days, weeks, months, and thus my life, with all my heart. I need joy, discipline and freedom to meld together as one super-emotion and reign on my days.

So that hasn’t happened yet, for me. How are you doing?

If you are in the same boat, already seeking a do-over, I understand. I’ve decided to not dwell on what I haven’t accomplished and grant myself permission to simply start fresh, or at least tighten up, in February. You should give yourself permission for the same. Let’s let January be our mulligan and tee off 2022 again. After all, we get to set the rules for our own lives; so be gentle and allow yourself to succeed.


Hissy Fit - February 2022 - Community Over Convenience: Please Do Your Part

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - February 2022 - Community Over Convenience: Please Do Your Part

When self-checkout first came out, I thought it was kind of fun getting to scan my own groceries and play cashier, something I loved playing
as a child. It seemed rather perfect if I only had a few items.

I could just run through, scan, pay and go without getting
behind the
weekly shopper with the bulging buggy.

Fast forward several years, and I no longer care for self-checkouts. Like most things brought to fruition to make things a little extra convenient, it has now taken over and changed everything. There are certain stores that if you shop after 8:00 or 9:00 o’clock at night, self-checkout is your only option. Frankly, I have a full-time job, so at the end of my grocery shopping, I don’t want another one as cashier when my cart is filled with supper, cleaning supplies, paper towels and a 22-pound bag of dog food; there simply isn’t enough room, and it turns into a ridiculous, stress-inducing situation.

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