Master the Interview

With Local Author’s 4 Interview Pillars


February 2023 Issue
by Elizabeth Skenes Millen

There are moments in our lives where it is imperative to shine. The job interview is one of them. You have 7 seconds to make a good first impression, a mere flash to convey your best self. Are you prepared? Do you know your value? Have you researched the company or school you are applying to? Do you know the job description or school program inside and out?

Many go into interviews unprepared and shoot from the hip. Some can’t get control of their nerves and fail to communicate their best self because of it. There are many things that can go wrong in an interview, and you may never know what, you simply know you didn’t get the job. There is a method to the interviewing madness, and if you follow Author Donne Greco Paine’s 4 Interview Pillars you are more likely to get a job offer.

4 Interview Pillars is a small, powerful, 100-page manual with no detail left unturned on how to crush an interview. This comprehensive book methodically takes you down the mental road of preparation leaving you confident and 100 percent prepared. The author brings attention to important aspects of the interviewing process that people normally don’t think of. These aspects are what will set you apart from other candidates.

After 20 years of coaching and mentoring professionals on how to interview, Donne developed four interview pillars, which is four steps to successful interviewing. This creative and unique method emphasizes timing, tone, content and control and how to utilize each of these to win. 4 Interview Pillars aims to unlock the potential of an individual preparing for a job, or coveted seat at a professional school by empowering candidates with a novel approach to interview preparation.

The author’s decades of experience as an executive recruiter put her on both sides of the interview desk. She worked with human resource officers and hiring executives, learning what they needed and wanted in new employees. On the flip side she prepared hundreds of candidates for interviews. It is this experience that led her to develop life-changing techniques for successful interviews. “I didn’t get paid unless the candidate was offered the job and accepted, so I wanted them to receive an offer. If they followed my advice, they would either get the job, or be a top competitor,” Donne said.

Donne recently coached a college graduate wanting to gain admission to medical school, which requires an extensive interview. “He was shy, but compliant. We worked together two hours a day for a week, and he would have homework, which is laid out in the book. He did his work, followed my method and he got into medical school,” Donne said.

“Tell me a time you had to work on a project with unclear responsibilities.” “Why should I hire you?” “Why do you want this job?” “Tell me about yourself.” These are just a few of hundreds of possible questions and thoughts a candidate may encounter in a professional interview, and it’s important to be ready. Being prepared for an interview requires thinking ahead of what may be asked. 4 Interview Pillars identifies these topics and not only thinks ahead for you, but also provides step-by-step instructions on how to effectively respond.

4 Interview Pillars is the best book on how to interview that has come out in years. It needs to be on every person’s bookshelf, as it is like having all of Donne’s insightful expertise at your fingertips. No matter if you are applying for a part-time fun job, or your career dream position, this book will walk you through everything you need to think about before the interview. It is a quick how-to packed with valuable information for serious job seekers who want to gain confidence, reduce nervousness and anxiety, be 100 percent prepared and land the job.

They say knowledge is power, in the case of 4 Interview Pillars, knowledge is mastering the interview process and catapulting your career to new levels.

Buy the Book:
4 Interview Pillars: 4 Steps to Interview Success
by Donne Greco Paine.
Available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon
in paperback,
Kindle and Audible formats.

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