Skating Uphill - May 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
““I love the concept of a Mama Bear
fighting for her young, but…”
– The Uphill Skater –
The idea of the Mama Bear protecting, nurturing, feeding, grooming and keeping her cubs in line is appealing, But the Uphill Skater always enjoys looking at the other side of things, too. How in the world is Mama Bear going to get all of that done—if she puts all her focus on the cubs?
You are probably thinking my question is selfish, but let me assure you it’s not. All I am saying is that the better we feel, the more we can do for both our children and our causes. There are many things to do and people to help. I believe that we all do our very best to make the world a better place for all of us. However, the more we keep ourselves fit and healthy, both mentally and physically, the more able we are to bring our whole selves to our children and any cause that calls us.
Also, taking time to care for yourself sets a powerful example for your children and peers. When they see you exercising, being active and committed to an organization or club, spending time with friends, washing your face every night before bed, etc., they look at these actions as a way of life. Children, and people in general, are great imitators. They will follow your example way more than your advice.
I should be saying right now that we must all eat healthy foods, get a weekly massage and facial, and get a check up regularly if we feel the need to be of service to others, and of course, that is extreme. If we are to do for others, though, we must in all honesty, do for ourselves, too. Notice I did not say first because often that is not possible, but it must be a part of our profile to be of sound mind and body, or we are going to be poor helpmates and examples for others. The sub-title for this column is "Living A Healthy Lifestyle,” and I advocate for that as often as I must to try to do my "Mama Bear" job for the many women who give of themselves to the point of losing themselves.
Advocating for those we feel called to help can be a very strong pull. When you think of women like Mother Theresa, that tiny little person who was so faith-filled that her very calling sustained her through things we can only imagine, it makes us feel a bit selfish, especially if we are not giving all for our cause, be it family, a loved one, or a strong community commitment. Just remember though, we are only human, and we cannot do more than our best without risking losing the ability to do anything at all. How many times have you heard of a caregiver falling ill, or even passing away, before the person for whom they are caring. Working and worrying yourself down to a condition of ill health is always a strong possibility.
Be a Mama Bear. Be a Tiger Mom. Say "I am Woman; I am Super Woman." All I am saying is that if you say it, then be it. Keep yourself strong and healthy. Take a nap if you need to. Eat right, but have an ice cream occasionally. Buy yourself a new pair of jeans that are cute and not on sale, and most of all, love yourself so you can love others with all your might (and without complaining—which is a whole other article!). Love, Judith.
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Judith Lawrenson is a former Hilton Head Island resident who has a huge heart and is loved by all who meet her. She has served and volunteered with numerous charitable organizations while living in the Lowcontry making an impact wherever she went. She and her husband recently moved to the wild hills of West Virginia to be closer to grandchildren. Judith is an avid sailor, a retired reading resource specialist, and a children's TV host whose local show originated from the Boys and girls Club. Judith is also a long time seeker of healthy, happy living and a lifestyle dedicated to service to others balanced with love of God and love of self. Check out her BLOG for fun info, recipes and nutrition ideas, current updates on nearly everything in the world, and lots of comments and opinions.