
Hissy Fit - February 2023 - Who Stresses You Out? You Stress You Out!

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - February 2023 -  Who Stresses You Out? You Stress You Out!

Life deals out situations that can be stressful. Maybe not always quite as stressful as the last few years, but nonetheless, we all experience ups and downs, of which both can heighten stress. However, there is another kind of stress we all endure—self-imposed stress. Completely unnecessary, but we do it anyway.

What? You don’t think YOU add stress to your life? Let me give you an example: When is the last time you carried only two bags of groceries—one in each hand— into the house after shopping? Probably when you only bought two bags of groceries. Otherwise, you more than likely attempt to carry most of them at once, which is stressful. Carrying all those bags at once creates pain and chaos, thus escalating stress and frustration! And, for what? To avoid that dreadful 23-foot walk back and forth to your car?


From the Desk of Elizabeth Skenes Millen

Beaufort County Library Artist-in-Residence...We have a surprise for you!

From the Desk of Elizabeth Skenes Millen

I have a surprise for you, especially those of you who are interested in writing!

This past fall, Lynne Miller, Trustee Liaison, Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County, and Linda Farrenkopf, President of Hilton Head Branch Friends of the Library, put their heads together to create an Artist-in-Residency program at the Beaufort County Library System. They took their idea to Beaufort County Library Director Amanda Dickman, who had been thinking of the same thing. These like minds came together to make this idea a reality.

Thanks to a grant from The Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County, the Beaufort County Library has announced that its first Artist-in-Residency program will begin later this month. I am honored to announce they chose ME as the inaugural Artist-in-Residence.


Publisher - January 2023

Publisher - January 2023

“Folks are usually about
as happy as they make
their minds up to be.”
—Abraham Lincoln—

As a species, we humans are always glad to put things behind us. I vividly remember New Year’s Eve on December 31, 2019, as everyone was “beyond ready” to leave 2019 in the dust. Sayonara 2019; you sucked! The year 2020 was bound to be better and more promising. Well, that didn’t work out, and I can’t even remember what was so wrong with 2019 that we all wanted it to go away. Can you?

The truth is life is hard. Every year has good and bad moments. That’s how life is, right when you think you can make a good run for it, you break your foot or get a flat tire. However, in the grand scheme of our planet, Americans, especially those of us who are lucky enough to live in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, have it pretty good, even on a bad day. We have access to clean water, good medical care, overall friendly people, a variety of churches with the freedom to attend which ever one we want—or not at all. We have delicious, fresh, clean seafood, beautiful landscapes, every modern-day convenience, and even on the worst day, we can drive across the bridge, look out at a stunning sprawling view and know we are home. Some days we even get to see a dolphin or two welcoming us.


Hissy Fit - January 2023 - Simplifying Weight Loss: K.I.S.S. Complicated and Confusing Goodbye

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - January 2023 -  Simplifying Weight Loss: K.I.S.S. Complicated and Confusing Goodbye

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Oh wait. That was last month. But…it is the most wonderful time of the year to lose weight. I know that’s your New Year’s resolution. I also know 87.3 percent of those who set weight loss as a New Year’s resolution, do not succeed. Why? Well, the real reason is weight loss is a mental game. If you’re not ready mentally, it’s just not going to happen. But this year let’s blame it on something else and take the pressure off. People don’t stick to their weight loss goals because it’s all become just too complicated and confusing.

Weight loss truly has become over complicated. It’s a gazillion dollar industry that offers an equal gazillion paths to success. However, they all have one thing in common: You HAVE to change your eating habits. Back in the day, when I went on my first diet (I think I was 12-years-old.), it was all about calories. The basic premise was if you consumed less calories than your body needed to function, you would lose weight. In fact, once a deficit of approximately 3,400 calories was reached, a pound was lost—not that complicated, right?


Publisher - December 2022

Publisher - December 2022

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” —Norman Vincent Peale

I have to believe that almost everyone has a few good holiday memories. There are a lot of jokes and memes out there about how miserable being with family can be and how stressful the holidays are. While some are excited for the holidays, others take on the persona of the Grinch— before his “small heart grows three sizes.” Bah-humbug is the mantra for many, and let’s not forget the original king of mean—Scrooge. There are people who proudly admit they are Scrooge.

Me? I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum, more like Elf, but maybe not quite so enthusiastic. However, I'm all in favor of everyone spreading Christmas cheer by singing loud for all to hear—and I can’t even sing!

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