
Publisher - January 2022

Publisher - January 2022

“You don’t need a New Year or a new day to start fresh,
you only need a new mindset.”

For me, 2021 was a difficult year. Probably more than 75 percent of my days were filled with stress, worry and fear. It became an arduous task to find joy, mainly because my stress was bullying me. However, almost 100 percent of the time, I got up, I got out, and I did what had to be done, and some of those days I soared, which felt incredible. As I look back over the year as a whole, though, it wore me out.

I refuse to allow 2022 to follow suit. Bad years need to step aside because I’m putting measures in place that no matter what, I’m going to make my well-being—both physically and mentally—a priority, and that includes not only finding joy, but living joyously!


Hissy Fit - January 2022 - Ignored Social Graces: That’s So Last Year

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - January 2022 - Ignored Social Graces: That’s So Last Year

Everyone says, it’s the 2020s, like that gives the human race a hall pass. What does a year have to do with being a good human, raising good humans and behaving like a good human? Nothing, that’s what.

For those of you who discount social graces to the times, I have to ask, really?
It’s alright with you for people to be nonchalant, putting no effort into doing their part as a decent citizen? When did standards get so low, so as not to even expect people to do the right thing?

Here are a few things to put on your to-do list as you move into 2022
with a verve to #startfresh.


Publisher - December 2021

Publisher - December 2021

“You may find that making a difference for others
makes the biggest difference in you.”
— Brian Williams, Journalist 

One night I was traveling from Columbia, SC, back home to Hilton Head Island. My daughter, who was then 19 years old and two of my cousin’s little girls were with me. It was summertime, and they were going to spend a week with us. You can imagine the excitement in the car. The only problem, it was late, dark, pouring buckets of rain, and shortly outside of Columbia on I-26, the traffic came to a complete halt.

We were in quite the precarious situation. As each of us sat there waiting and wondering, the tension grew. I could tell the girls were worried and even a little scared. We literally were in complete darkness. We had no idea as to when the traffic would start moving again, if the rain was going to let up, or how long we would be stuck.


A Special Holiday Hissy Fit -December 2021 - Away with Divisiveness, Anger & Fear: Let it All Go and Replace it with Cheer

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

A Special Holiday Hissy Fit -December 2021 - Away with  Divisiveness, Anger & Fear: Let it All Go and Replace it with Cheer

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
when all through the house,
Everyone was angry, even the mouse.

The tempers had flared, it seemed nobody cared
The TV shows told us there’s no hope, no prayer.


Hissy Fit - November 2021 - Get Off the Phone: And Save the Children

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - November 2021 - Get Off the Phone: And Save the Children

A parent received an email from her son’s teacher:
Sam is often unfocused and is on his phone during class.
The problem: The parent, the teacher, the principal, the school,
the superintendent and the school board. Why?
Because they are allowing students to have cell phones in the classroom.

We all now know smart phones are highly addictive, and there is proof that app and technology innovators purposely inject the phone with addictive tech widgets. Isn’t this the same as when tobacco manufacturers laced their cigs with toxic additives known to cause addiction? The tobacco industry got smoked to the tune of trillions of dollars in law suits and lost sales. That hasn’t happened to big tech yet, but I foresee it coming once we are all too messed up to put our phones down long enough to go to work or school.

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