Fighting Fatigue

It's All Pink


Fighting Fatigue

While it may seem like semantics, understanding the difference between sleepiness and fatigue is important, as the causes of each are often vastly different. As a result, successfully identifying the underlying cause(s) rests upon our ability to understand what ails us.

Reel Corner

Donna Paine

Reel Corner

By the time this column is read the 45th president of the United States will have been elected. Whether your candidate won or lost, perhaps we should start with a deep breath and a relaxing mantra.

“Eyes Closed, I withdraw deep within. I become one with everything that is. Nothing can disturb my peace, for my walls have grown thick with moss. I am cool running water down a clear stream. An Eagle soaring to great heights, overseeing the world. Unchained from the past constant media interruption of my peace.”

BREATHE! I challenged a few moviegoers to choose their top “go to” movie to relax, chill and feel good. (These may also help us after a hard day of Hurricane Matthew clean up.) So tune out the rhetoric of this past year and turn on a good movie from the eclectic list below:

Skating Uphill - November 16

Judith Lawrenson

Skating Uphill - November 16

We have spent so much time as readers of “Skating Uphill” talking about what it really means to be healthy and to live a lifestyle of personal wellness. Discussions have also centered around life skills, methods of movement, and things that are not only physically beneficial, but also are in tune with mental health. Yes, it is smart to eat well and exercise. It is also healthy to value one’s self and look for things that boost self-esteem.

Restoration Takeover

Laurie McCall

Restoration Takeover

Donna Jones and her daughter, Brittany Garber, are the creative duo and owners of Revival Designs & Decor. Creativity has always come natural to Donna, who was a stay at home mom for many years. Brittany’s love of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects was nurtured from a young age as she tagged along with her mom to crafting clubs and helped with family projects on the weekends. After both of Donna’s kids were grown, she discovered a new career in real estate home staging, where she found cost effective ways to help people furnish, show and sell their homes. Together this mother/daughter team scours thrift stores, hunting for pieces of furniture to makeover. The result is magazine worthy rooms that help sell the home every time.

Pink Prescriptions - October 16

It's All Pink


Pink Prescriptions - October 16

If you’re like most people, you probably thought you received all the necessary shots when you were a kid. Not true. You never outgrow the need for vaccines. Protection from some childhood vaccinations can wear off over time. And as you age, you can become susceptible to other illnesses.

Style Takeover - October 16

Laurie McCall

Style Takeover - October 16

As someone who’s never read Pride and Prejudice and knew very little about the story line (Since the makeover, I’ve been doing my research. Thank you, SparkNotes!), I can say after spending a little time with these two characters, I am absolutely dying to see the play!

Reel Corner - October 16

Donna Paine

Reel Corner - October 16

Fall has always been a season that releases stronger, more powerful films, when Oscar attention begins. Here are suggestions from the serious to the not so serious with a couple documentaries thrown in the mix you might consider. See you at the movies!

Skating Uphill - October 16

Leslie Harris

Skating Uphill - October 16

Someone finally asked me where the name “Skating Uphill” came from and who thought of it in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle column. There is quite a story here, as there are with many things in Pink Magazine. Whenever you find a group of bold, out-there, rowdy ladies, combined with a little wine and a lot of laughs, you are bound to get stories.

The Style Council - October 2016

Leslie Harris

Caroline Noble

The Style Council - October 2016

I told a friend that my fiancé and I were secretly planning to elope to Las Vegas and that I needed a dress, and her being the truly excellent confidant that she is, she took me to Madhouse Vintage in Bluffton. And that is where I first met Caroline Noble, the owner of the shop and an extraordinary curator of vintage fashion and jewelry.

Prescriptions - September 2016

It's All Pink

Pregnancy and Fertility

Prescriptions - September 2016

Am I too old to have a baby?
Although there’s not really an age at which we tell people to not have children, there are a few factors one must consider. As we age, our chromosomes are more likely to have anomalies within them. Thus an aging mother is at higher risk for Down Syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities.  Miscarriage rates are much higher in older women, thus the emotional burden of miscarriages plays a larger role as we age. This is thought to occur because of the chromosome issues.

Skating Uphill - September 16

Judith Lawrenson

Whitney Steed: Glamorous Free Spirit

Skating Uphill - September 16

Let’s talk about substitutes. Not substitute teachers or substitute mah-jong players, but substitute foods. What I mean is interchanging one food, food type, or food brand for another for specific reasons. Often it is a health reason or a calorie issue. Sometimes it is related to allergies or not liking a particular ingredient. For the purpose of this article, I am going to talk about substituting or selecting one food item or personal care item over another mainly for better health. After all, better physical and emotional health is what we are all about, isn’t it?

Style Council - September 16

Leslie Harris

Whitney Steed: Glamorous Free Spirit

Style Council - September 16

When you enter Whitney’s world, the phrase that immediately springs to mind is “Well, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!” Just substitute “Hilton Head” for “Kansas” in that phrase and you will be on the right track to understanding this exceptional young lady.

Women In Business - September 16

Cindy Petitt

Focus on Gender Dialogue, Not Debate

Women In Business - September 16

These past few months have been fertile with teachable moments about gender issues.  Two prominent business leaders—a corporate Chairman and a Chairman/CEO—left their positions: Kevin Roberts resigned because of backlash after proclaiming in an interview that the gender debate is over.  Roger Ailes was fired because of sexual harassment.

Reel Corner - August 2016

Donne Paine

Reel Corner - August 2016

For years Walt Disney Animation Studios has captured the hearts of children everywhere. Now grown children are making up a high percentage of animated movie goers. It’s clear from the numbers that animated family films are not just for families anymore. More and more millennials are going to the cinema to see films traditionally marketed to a much younger demographic, and that’s not even taking into consideration viewing habits on outlets like Netflix. Film companies have caught on, too. It is an opinion that the lure of animated and young adult features to millennials is much more complex than pure nostalgia.

Skating Uphill - August 2016

Judith Lawrenson

Skating Uphill - August 2016

We all look at things from different points of view. It doesn’t mean though, that the thing we are talking about is not actually going to happen, does it? School is happening, so let’s make the best of it.

Auto Pilot - August 2016

Jay Ramowski

Road Trips with Rover

Auto Pilot - August 2016

A Solid Start:
The last thing anyone wants or needs is a sick or even semi sick grumpy pet, while hurling down the highway headed for rest and relaxation. A quick trip to your family vet will ensure your pet is up-to-date with all necessary vaccinations. The veterinarian can also issue a health certificate for your pet, if needed. If you and your pet will be traveling across state lines, you must obtain a recent health certificate and a certificate of rabies vaccination.  If your plans include traveling with your pet from the United States to Canada, you will need to bring along a certificate issued by a veterinarian that clearly identifies the animal and certifies that your pet has been vaccinated against rabies during the preceding 24-month period. Be sure to contact the destination you plan to visit, as each province has its own requirements. Stuck at the border with Fido, being denied entry, would stress out even the most savvy road tripper.

The Style Council - August 2016

Leslie Harris

Vivian Quattlebaum

The Style Council - August 2016

I’ve always known Vivian to be a true original, and when I asked her if I could interview her for the Style Council she said, “Well, I’ve always been left-of-center, and these days I don’t really care if my plaids and stripes match! I just like to suit myself.” Perfect! The thing is, when you decide not to follow “The Rules,” and you set out to “suit yourself,” that’s when true creativity happens.

Women In Business - August 2016

Cindy Petitt

Office Politics, Gossip and Backstabbing: What Can You Do?

Women In Business - August 2016

One pattern I have observed across organizations is how executives are distinguishable by the legacies they leave behind. In my prior organization, I could pretty accurately predict whether a person had ever worked directly for a specific executive, based on the thinking skills they demonstrated and developed in others. This executive had taught her staff how to think by challenging them and being transparent about her own problem solving and decision-making thought processes. She was a multiplier, and she left a legacy of strong thinkers and leaders.

Style Takeover - August 2016

Laurie McCall

Style Takeover - August 2016

MEET MISSY: In 2011 Missy Hartley’s husband, Charlie, was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a highly invasive form of brain cancer.  Together, they spent the next two years enduring treatments and living life. Fighting cancer, raising two girls, running a business, and keeping up with the finances shifted their daily existence into survival mode. Charlie passed away in 2013. Missy closed their building supply store and focused on her girls. Hair, makeup and clothes were the last thing on Missy’s mind. The years of heartache and worry left Missy looking and feeling run down.

Reel Corner - July 2016

Donne Paine

Declare Your Independence!

Reel Corner - July 2016

Whether it is Tom Hanks playing a WWII hero, Will Smith protecting the White House, or Matt Damon as Jason Bourne keeping our CIA honest, Hollywood has supplied us with incredible Patriotic Films. The Reel Corner challenges you to a Patriotic Films “Find the Film Words Challenge”

Skating Uphill - July 2016

Judith Lawrenson

Skating Uphill - July 2016

Summer is officially here and with a vengeance.  It is hot, and that’s a fact! I absolutely love long, hot, summer days, and I love the long, warm, summer evenings, even more. Unfortunately, I have read many articles explaining that summer can be extremely unhealthy.

To tell you the truth, both statements are true. Summer is fabulous, and to my mind, the best time of the year. But, there are things one must do to protect against the hot and harmful elements of summer. Many thoughts I will share are common sense and simply serve as reminders. However, a few new things are important, as there is updated research about "things" we thought we knew.

Auto Pilot - July 2016

Jay Ramowski

Demystifying Car Warranty Options

Auto Pilot - July 2016

Everyone loves the idea of purchasing a new (or new to them) vehicle and often will research the smallest details of their new car purchase. I have friends who will quote me volumes about safety features and “5-Star” ratings, even about how well the audio interfaces with their iPhone. But when they call me and ask a maintenance question, and I give my opinion and ask about the car's warranty coverage, I often get a blank stare.

The Style Council - July 2016

Leslie Harris

Catie Wolfe

The Style Council - July 2016

Isn’t it lovely to see women, of any age, find their niche? When their inherent gifts line up with what they do for a living every day, and everything just seems to blossom and expand? This is true about Catie Wolfe in many ways…