Pink-Mademann Makeover - August 2018

Kathryn Mademann

Back to School Takeover

Pink-Mademann Makeover - August 2018

When I met Sarah Bo Danzell she was full of energy, articulate, and charismatic. She shared with me her busy life, family, and passion for teaching. As we spoke, I realized that Sarah Bo has a depth in her life experiences and, as many single moms, she has a lot on her plate managing her kids, renovating a new house, teaching, and trying to fit some “me-time” in between it all. This summer, Sarah Bo realized that-—busy life notwithstanding —it was time to do something new in updating her “look” with a new hairstyle and some ideas for her wardrobe for the upcoming school year.

Often women look in the mirror and quietly think to themselves: “I would love to do something different with my look but how do I go about it?” and “Who can I trust with this transformation?”

I’m so glad our Pink Makeover folks found her!

Lowcountry Life - July 2018

Regina Maguire Kirshbaum

Lowcountry Kindness

Lowcountry Life - July 2018

I’m Southern charmed! Me, a hard core New Yorker, transplanted here to our beautiful Lowcountry. I have bitten Eden’s apple and it is sweet and unforgettable, melting my tough veneer, and planting a smile on my face that can’t be removed, in spite of a few bad traffic moments.

You had me at hello, Lowcountry—from the moment 30 years ago when I first stepped into your inner circle-—and now that I’ve called Hilton Head home for a full year, I’m grinning like an idiot and that’s hardly a bad thing!

Pink-Mademann Makeover

Kathryn Mademann

Introducing Pink's New Makeover Maven

Pink-Mademann Makeover

You have an amazing background. Do tell. My life has had some unique twists and turns. After graduate school, I started my career in higher education and began a modeling career at the same time, the latter of which extended for more than 25 years. Within that period of time, I also founded two niche resort magazines, hosted a few television shows, including one that featured fashion makeovers called “On Trend.” Hosting this show resonated with me because I loved helping the women who wanted a makeover, and was also able to incorporate my fashion experience. It was rewarding when the makeover candidates put their trust in me. As a personal image stylist, I’ve worked with amazing individuals and business clients, charity events, and retailers both in the United States and Canada. One of my unique clients is Canyon Ranch Wellness Resort, where I’ve been a regular guest speaker. I also just signed on with Hilton Head Health (H3) in Shipyard Plantation. I’ll be offering my “Foundations of Fabulous Style” workshops and private consultations to their guests.

OMG Moments - July 2018

It's All Pink

Being a Badass

OMG Moments - July 2018

““Sis said I was being mean to a nurse at the hospital, but I was speaking up for my husband. She was asking too many questions.”

“A man was berating an elderly Walmart checker for asking to see his receipt for un-bagged items. He would not stop yelling at this old man. So I shot back, ‘What are you, the President? Do you have an important meeting to get to? Leave this man alone; he is doing his darn job, you jerk!’ He shut up, showed his receipt, and walked out with his tail between his legs.”

Lowcountry Life - June 2018

Regina Maguire Kirshbaum

Lowcountry Perfume

Lowcountry Life - June 2018

I’m having a heady experience, Lowcountry style. As I walk through our lovely neighborhood I am overcome by the scents of serenity. Wafting across my hungry palette, always ripe for whatever HHI has in store, are the intoxicating perfumes of the flora that define this part of the world.

The Magnolia tree is a wonder of tactile and effluvious beauty. The waxy white blooms, larger than an outstretched hand, are individual works of art. A bee’s paradise, their spicy citrus scent gives pause and makes me brazen enough to fight the buzzing for a chance to drink in that sweet, once-a-year nectar. How could Mother Nature have created such a splendid combination of the Magnolia tree’s profile and the production of a perfectly thick, perfumed flower? Hard to criticize her for being such a show off!

OMG Moments - June 2018

It's All Pink

Boating Bedlam

OMG Moments - June 2018

“My dad doesn't believe ladders belong on boats, and one day out on the sandbar we got caught in rough water with a storm approaching. The guys were helping boost us into the boat really quickly, and I gouged my knee severely on the propeller. Needless to say by the time we managed to get back to the landing, I was sporting a blood soaked bandana on my knee and pained expression after a rough ride in.”

“I was at the Hospice Care of the Lowcountry Yacht Hop in Harbour Town and walked into a boat’s bathroom, ripped my toenail off on the step and was bleeding all over the floor of this expensive yacht. The owner bandaged my toe and gave me a shot of tequila!”

OMG Moments - May 2018

It's All Pink

Pet Pandemonium

OMG Moments - May 2018

“My Shi-poo, Kobe’s favorite snack is Cheez-Its and he can say “I love you!”

“In taking my son to school, the car door opened and Taylor, my black lab, ran out and into the school. I ran in and where did I find her? In the cafeteria! I was so embarrassed.”

“We all had pets growing up. I had the dog, Tippy. Little sister had the cat, Bootsie; middle sister got the short end of the stick with Popeye, the meanest, nastiest parakeet—he bit her a lot. But we all felt bad for Popeye the day he got loose. Heading in flight to bite his owner again, she ducked, and he landed in mom’s big pot of beef stew – feathers were flying—mom was screaming. Popeye survived and mellowed out after that!”

Motivational Man: Joe Iaco

Nina Greenplate

Run for the Roses ~ A Faithful Spectator’s Mementos

Motivational Man: Joe Iaco

Often hailed “the most exciting two minutes in sports,” the Kentucky Derby has been exciting horse racing enthusiasts since 1875. A mere one-and-one-quarter miles of dirt track, Louisville, Kentucky’s legendary racetrack, Churchill Downs is gearing up for the 144th Run for the Roses on Saturday, May 5 at 6:34 p.m. Geared up is an understatement when describing local resident, Joseph Iaco’s anticipation. His devotion to following this time-honored, thoroughbred spectacle dates back to his youth and continues to this day.

OMG Moments - April 2018

It's All Pink

Golf Goofs

OMG Moments - April 2018

"My very best round of golf was played in Freeport, Grand Bahama in brand new red shorts. We had a tropical downpour on the 17th hole. My white socks and shoes were pink by the 18th hole!"

"I won $100 from my husband when he said there was NO WAY I was going to hit my shot over a large body of water!"

"I made a hole-in-one and everyone was bowing down below and clapping. I was so busy talking up on top of the tee box, I never even realized it!"

Motivational Man - Alan Chaput

Jacie Elizabeth Millen

The Timeless Expressions of a Wordsmith

Motivational Man - Alan Chaput

It’s not every day a girl receives a pearl necklace, especially on her first encounter with a new friend. But it’s also not everyday one meets the charming Alan Chaput, a local book author with a real appreciation for the written word.  “I consider myself, first and foremost, a storyteller,” he smiles. Indeed! Our time together confirmed this, as speaking with him gave me a flavor of his writing style; he’s deliberate with his words and moved our conversation comfortably from one subject to the next. Originally from Cleveland Ohio, Alan moved to the Lowcountry in 2001, lured in by the beautiful beaches and warm surroundings.

OMG Moments - March 2018

It's All Pink

Goals: Hit or Miss

OMG Moments - March 2018

Miss: "I had a goal to see a turtle lay her eggs. One afternoon I was walking the beach with a friend. She and I walked so far it got dark. When we turned around to walk back, we noticed a big rock that wasn’t there before. On a 16-foot retractable leash, my small dog ran over to the rock as we got closer. It wasn’t a rock; it was a huge turtle coming to lay her eggs. The two came nose-to-nose and checked each other out. My dog was gentle and curious, and I didn’t realize it was a turtle until she turned around and went back toward the surf. So close, yet so far.”

"My goal was to lose weight! I was supposed to start on the program January 2018 – not happening! It’s a 'miss.'”

Motivational Man - Decker Paulmeier

Jacie Elizabeth Millen

Going for Bold

Motivational Man - Decker Paulmeier

Walking into meet 18-year-old Decker Paulmeier, I had no clue how I would feel interviewing someone closer to my age, but I soon realized, millennial to millennial, I was impressed. Decker sharpened my thoughts, made me think and left me refreshed, knowing I had probably just met the smartest teenager in my life.

Decker, a soon to be Bluffton High School graduate this spring, and I began relating on the subject of high school, and he lit up. “I love high school; I am very involved. I’ve been taking AP courses since freshman year, trying to do my best.” Decker is very involved indeed. He is a part of sports, student government and school clubs. He is the captain of the varsity lacrosse team, as well as a football player. He is involved in youth government, the president of the National Honor Society, on student council, Bluffton’s DECA chapter president, a member of Boys State, won first place at the Sea Island Science fair his freshman and sophomore year, and lastly, participates in quiz bowls for Bluffton High School.

OMG Moments - February 2018

It's All Pink

Courtship Chaos

OMG Moments - February 2018

"Seeing as I didn’t drink much, and a great friend needed a date for his awards ceremony, and I wanted to wear my LBD, I said, yes. Short version: Two beers, a joint and a ride in a snow storm, was stressful as heck! Had a nice dinner at the ceremony and remember doing a shot. Next thing I know I’m sitting in the pitch black dark. I felt my way around and realized I was in a bathroom stall, found the exit, only to discover the dinner place empty and set for the next day. So, after being asleep on the toilet for three hours, I was locked in from the outside with no jacket or purse. Somehow, a gentleman from our hotel found me. He picked me up and took me back to my date, who thought I had been taken. So embarrassing. It was a long ride home.”

Motivational Man - Dr. Jim Wooten

Nina Greenplate

Laughter and Love - A Genuine Performance

Motivational Man - Dr. Jim Wooten

The celebration of joy and love are common threads throughout the Christian Bible. Psalm 126 reads: “Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy.” 1Corinthians 16 reads: “Let all that you do be done in love.”

Dr. James Wooten, or Jim, as some of his congregation will address him, moves through life with a healthy dose of both—a deep love for the Lord, his family and congregation, and a jovial heart to match. “Humor is divine,” he smiled. “Don’t take yourself too seriously.”

He is a proud South Carolinian—born and raised! In 2008, he began serving as lead pastor at The Baptist Church of Beaufort, a 21st century church with an 18th century foundation. Rich in history, the building itself was first a Civil War hospital. Soldiers’ signatures and graffiti are still visible on belfry beams and sanctuary walls. The heart-pine wood flooring, glass windows and pristine pews are beautiful and original.

OMG Moments - January 2018

It's All Pink

Being Included and Excluded

OMG Moments - January 2018

Being included can be one of the best feelings in the world, while being excluded evokes negative feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness. We asked our Partini attendees to tell us about a time when they felt included or excluded.

“Excluded: In 5th grade, a boy fell off the monkey bars, so I ran over and cuddled him, asking if he was okay. Kids started laughing and taunting, “Oooh, you have a boyfriend.”  NOT! Friends still tease me about this all these decades later.”

Motivational Man - Akil Ross

Kathryn McPhail

South Carolina Principal Wins Highest National Education Award

Motivational Man - Akil Ross

University of South Carolina College of Education alumnus and Chapin High School principal, Akil Ross, has been named the 2018 National Principal of the Year. Chapin High School is located right outside of Columbia, SC in Chapin.

The honor, given by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, recognizes an outstanding middle level and high school principal who has made exemplary contributions to the profession and to students’ learning.

Motivational Man - Doug Weaver

Jane Kendall

Going the Distance

Motivational Man - Doug Weaver

It has been a life-long journey for Doug Weaver to become the very best he can be at the game of golf and to inspire others to do the same. Doug is a nationally acclaimed golf professional, who currently serves as the Director of Golf Instruction for the three golf courses in Palmetto Dunes Resort. His love affair with golf began when he moved to Hilton Head Island as a 17-year-old prep athlete to attend Sea Pines Academy. After college, he founded the Hilton Head Island Intercollegiate Golf Tournament at Palmetto Dunes. This tournament grew to become the Golf World Intercollegiate, one of the largest collegiate tournaments in the country. Doug got his first break in 1987. He took his first title at the Zell Wood Country Club Open, went on to win 15 mini tour events and gained his PGA Tour card in 1988. He toured for seven years and then came back to the island to share his talents locally.

OMG Moments - November 2017

It's All Pink

Turkey Trauma

OMG Moments - November 2017

"Growing up, my mom, sister and I arm wrestled for each Thanksgiving dinner turkey wing. Mom was so concerned, she started buying an extra wing to cook with the turkey in the oven so all three of us would be happy. She often left the turkey out all night to defrost. Early one Thanksgiving morning we discovered the third turkey wing had been ravished, with most of it gone. Seems our family cat, Bootsie, hankered for turkey wings, as well. So we were back to fighting over two wings and locked up the cat. The following year or so, my mother-in-law insisted on cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I hate cooking and gladly gave up the kitchen to her. When we got ready to eat, both wings were gone! She had used the meat in her gravy, throwing away the rest. I thought about dumpster diving and divorce!"

OMG Moments - December 2017

It's All Pink

Holiday Hoopla

OMG Moments - December 2017

“I was at a big convention, where everyone was bouncing from hospitality room to hospitality room and had more than their fair share to drink. I went to the restroom and realized the bottom of my skirt was tucked into my underwear. I had been  showing my backside since my last bathroom visit, probably two hours earlier. No one told me. I was mortified.”

Motivational Man - Chris Garniewicz

Nina Greenplate

An Inextinguishable Heart for Service

Motivational Man - Chris Garniewicz

Bumblebee… How Can it Be? Your flight, a sweet surprise.
Such tiny wings, You work and sing. A tiger in disguise.

Recognizing what traits make us unique is the first step toward self-fulfillment. The second step, and more challenging reality, is the strength it takes to act in pursuit of those talents. Sadly, some never get beyond the ‘recognizing’ part, and that is a tragedy of spirit. However, Christopher Garniewicz’s spirit is quite intact, serving up life with passion and purpose. He has unpacked some pretty cool gifts of his own, right here in the Lowcountry. Originally from Worcester, MA, Chris and his wife of 20 years, Larissa (Lara) and daughter Hayden, have been permanent islanders since 1997. He serves proudly as a paid firefighter for the Bluffton Township Fire District, saying he feels fortunate to be part of this awesome team. Chris was introduced to firefighting by a friend’s father in the early ‘90s and was instantly “hooked.” He embraces this field with arms wide open and clearly has a heart for service. “I love doing things for others, and need nothing in return,” he said.