Skating Uphill - August 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Yes, we are always trying to keep on top of all of the new stuff!”
– The Uphill Skater –
We here at Pink Magazine are forever searching out new trends and up-to-date information on lifestyle happenings. I love to read anything different coming down the pike, particularly in the area of food and nutrition. So, here is the latest buzz phrase to hit the food scene: “Eat This, Not That.” This is so interesting and so broad that it has been a real challenge for me to watch it unfold and grow by leaps and bounds. I have even started a special space on my blog to share information, some of which is surprising, and some of which is actually quite shocking!
Reel Corner - August 2021
Black Widow: Defining Women’s Strength and Empowerment
“Struggle is necessary for strength.”
“Your pain only makes you stronger.”
These quotes are from the recently released film Black Widow directed by Cate Shortland and starring Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz and David Harbour
For those of you who don’t know, Black Widow is a member of Marvel’s Avengers—an elite team of superheroes who fight to defend the universe from various evils. Fighting alongside gods, time-travelers and a guy with a bow and arrow, Black Widow’s exploits have been detailed in a series of successful films.
Pink Prescriptions - August 2021
Two-thirds of Women Have Fibroids: Are You One of Them?
We all have questions about the care down there that sometimes just feels a little awkward—or maybe a lot—to talk about, even with your doctor. For some women, it’s just difficult to casually hold a conversation when words such as vagina, sex, labia and the like have to freely flow. Read on to see what our local medical experts had to say on subjects important to women’s health. Be sure to tell your doctor everything with no fear or hesitation. Your health is what’s most important, and besides, they tell us they have heard it all!
Parenting July 2021: The Last Word
Living With Children by John Rosemond
Q: My 15-year-old daughter is slowly driving me insane! She argues with me about everything and always wants the last word. No matter how well I explain the “why?” of a decision to her, she argues. Even when I offer a compromise, she argues. It’s her way or the highway. Is there a solution?
Quote - July 2021
Skating Uphill - July 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Being creative comes in all different shapes and sizes.
That’s why they call it creative!”
– The Uphill Skater –
Are you ready to discover some new ways to be creative with food without 25 new ingredients and hours in the kitchen? Sure, I watch the Food Network and get great ideas, but in general, I find the recipes a bit complicated and heavy on ingredients I usually have to buy special and then never use again. Outrageous designs are often off putting, as well. I could no more make one of those big, beautiful, highly-decorated cakes than fly to the moon. How then can we regular people, who are in such a rut that we simply go for Ritz crackers and sliced cheese, actually do something different?
Reel Corner - July 2021
Summer Movie Previews
In the ultimate symbol of one Hollywood era ending and another beginning, MGM, home to James Bond, Thelma & Louise and Rocky, finally found a buyer willing to pay retail: Amazon.
Rumors have swirled for a while now that Amazon was looking to buy MGM, and this month those rumors were made official with the announcement that Amazon will indeed acquire MGM for $8.45 billion. That means Amazon will now be in control of the crown jewel of spy franchises, James Bond, which could have major repercussions for one of the longest-running and most iconic movie franchises of all time.
The big question now is how Amazon will handle the distribution of the James Bond movies. No Time to Die, the long-delayed latest installment, is set for release in October 2021 through MGM subsidiary. This will likely hold, but will No Time to Die now have a streaming component day-of, or shortly after theatrical release? Is it too late for any kind of streaming deal to come together? Many questions remain.
Pink Prescriptions - July 2021
Dryness, Leaking, Cramps & Your Vagina: What’s Up with Your Care Down There
We all have questions about the care down there that sometimes just feels a little awkward—or maybe a lot—to talk about, even with your doctor. For some women, it’s just difficult to casually hold a conversation when words such as vagina, sex, labia and the like have to freely flow. Read on to see what our local medical experts had to say on subjects important to women’s health. Be sure to tell your doctor everything with no fear or hesitation. Your health is what’s most important, and besides, they tell us they have heard it all!
Parenting June 2021: Fathers: Be the Best Husbands You Can Be
Living With Children by John Rosemond
The biggest problem in the life of today’s all-too typical mother is herself. She is her own worst enemy. Them’s fightin’ words, I know, but please, hold the tomatoes and other vegetables and bear with me.
One of the doctrines of the Good Mommy Club, the evil sisterhood to which many (if not most) of today’s mommies belong, albeit unwittingly, has it that the Good Mommy does as much for her child as she possibly can, and then some. A guarantee of frustration, anxiety, stress, resentment and guilt, that.
Guys! Guys! Look, your wives, bless their hearts,
are having enough trouble putting their children and priorities into proper perspective without you adding to the muddle.
Keep it straight, please.
I’m referring to the media voices telling you to be better fathers. Three times in the last six months or so I’ve been invited on podcasts promoting fatherhood. The hosts are well-meaning, sincere, articulate fellows who apparently didn’t know they were interviewing a guy who never says what other people expect him to say.
Quote - June 2021
Skating Uphill - June 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
I love people who have the spirit of adventure and those who are searching for something different to do. Life for people like this can truly be full and challenging. I have sailed many thousands of miles in the ocean, hiked difficult trails, moved into unknown situations and much more. If you think about it, we all dream of having out of the ordinary experiences and adventures. My current adventure is spending two days a week with a six-year-old. What a thrill this has been, believe it or not!
Reel Corner - June 2021
Summer Movie Previews
It seems that Hollywood is very busy with its 2021 summer movies coming to theaters for June, July and August. With an ungodly amount of comic book movies from Marvel and DC alike, to the new Fast and Furious movie, this summer is jam-packed with some of the most anticipated releases to ever be announced. This is due, in part, to the fact that many of these films were originally scheduled for a sooner release, or should have been out months ago. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic led to a great deal of rescheduling and reevaluating primary methods of distribution, with some studios taking the straight-to-streaming route. The ones who chose to uphold the tradition of going to the theater either postponed a release to later in the year, or went as far as pushing it right into the 2022 calendar, which is why you may recognize some of the titles below as films you hoped to see in 2020.
Pink Prescriptions - June 2021
Weight Loss to Prevent Disease
We’ve all heard that being overweight is unhealthy, and weight loss can help prevent illness and disease, but how? We asked local medical experts to weigh in on the advantages of losing weight. Looking good on the beach is just a fringe benefit!
Quote - May 2021
Skating Uphill - May 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
I don't actually mean I hate any time of the year, especially spring. But, here is my situation: There are three times a year I am moved to get stuff done—a lot done! New Years Day, my birthday, and spring just get to me. On these three occasions I overwhelmingly feel everything I own has to be rearranged, repaired, organized, culled, donated to charity or thrown out. This might be hormonal, but I know that kind of thinking is out of date nowadays. Hormonal or not, I feel the uncontrollable urge to purge coming on, so I thought I would share some of the tasks I plan on tackling this spring.
Parenting May 2021: Perhaps the Good Mommy Club is Not So Good
Living With Children by John Rosemond
The biggest problem in the life of today’s all-too typical mother is herself. She is her own worst enemy. Them’s fightin’ words, I know, but please, hold the tomatoes and other vegetables and bear with me.
One of the doctrines of the Good Mommy Club, the evil sisterhood to which many (if not most) of today’s mommies belong, albeit unwittingly, has it that the Good Mommy does as much for her child as she possibly can, and then some. A guarantee of frustration, anxiety, stress, resentment and guilt, that.
Reel Corner - May 2021
Small Films Worth Seeing
When it comes to films worth seeing, be sure not to overlook the small stuff—animated and live-action shorts, foreign films and documentaries. We are reminded, especially around award season, that there are many alternatives to feature films that should not be missed.
Here are a few to consider:
Motivational Man: John Kelsey
Not Just Horsin' Around
On any given day you can find John Kelsey at Lawton Stables in Sea Pines, training his fine Oldenburger horse named Sound of Music. It’s a competitive discipline that John takes very seriously—yet it’s also a form of play that has kept his life full of joy and satisfaction, rather than stress. After a long session of working difficult maneuvers, he and Sound of Music take a mental break riding through the forest preserve.
“I always liked being around horses,” said John, who grew up in Toledo, Ohio. “I went to camp in Michigan on a 100-acre farm with hills, trails and a show ring, and a camp in Colorado where we did three-day horse-packing trips. When I was 21, I saved enough to buy my own horse, and I’ve had horses ever since.”
Pink Prescriptions - April 2021
Sports Injuries, Joint Replacements & Knee Problems
Living with pain is no fun. In fact, pain can take all the fun away, especially if you enjoy being active. It’s somewhat of a Catch-22, though. It seems the more active set are the ones who get sports injuries. Makes sense, afterall, doesn’t it take sports to get a sports injury? Not necessarily. Sometimes, just a simple walk to the mailbox, moving a planter in the garden, or a quick clean up of the garage can end in injury. The good news is pain does not have to be forever with many injuries, over use, or degeneration. There are new, modern and effective ways to stop the snap, crackle, pop in the knees, reduce the burn of bursitis and rejuvenate the rip of the rotator cuff. We asked our local orthopeadic experts to tell us all about sports injuries, joint replacements and knee problems. Here is what they had to say:
Quote - April 2021
Skating Uphill - April 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
I don't actually mean I hate any time of the year, especially spring. But, here is my situation: There are three times a year I am moved to get stuff done—a lot done! New Years Day, my birthday, and spring just get to me. On these three occasions I overwhelmingly feel everything I own has to be rearranged, repaired, organized, culled, donated to charity or thrown out. This might be hormonal, but I know that kind of thinking is out of date nowadays. Hormonal or not, I feel the uncontrollable urge to purge coming on, so I thought I would share some of the tasks I plan on tackling this spring.
Parenting April 2021: Childhood Addictions
Living With Children by John Rosemond
Concerning my prior use of the word “addiction” in association with smart phones
and children (including teens), some people think I am speaking figuratively.
To set the record straight: No, I am speaking quite literally.
When the addiction in question is to a substance, as in an opiate, there is both a psychological and physical component. During withdrawal from an addictive substance, both components come into play. The individual’s thoughts and emotions are in disarray and the person suffers physiologically, as well. When most people think in terms of an addiction, that is their mental picture.
Reel Corner - April 2021
Golden Globe Winner Best Motion Picture Nomadland
Director: Chloe Zhao
Frances McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May
Based on the popular non-fiction book by Jessica Bruder, Nomadland takes you on an adventure connecting with nature through van living. Fern, played by Frances McDormand, is grieving a life that’s been ripped away from her. It seems like she was relatively happy in Empire, Nevada, one of those many American small towns built around industry. When the gypsum plant there closed, the town of Empire literally closed with it. In six months the entire zip code was eliminated. During this nightmare state, Fern’s husband died, leaving her alone and “houseless”. (She uses this term over homeless)
Motivational Man: Christiaan & Stratton Pollitzer
Reelin’ it in for Three Generations
Growing up in the Lowcountry of South Carolina is nothing but an amazing privilege. From seeing dolphins playing in the sound in the mornings to breath-taking sunsets on any given day, the Lowcountry is special. What makes it even more special are locals like Christiaan and Stratton Pollitzer, who care, build, and offer their stewardship to our close-knit community. With both father, Christiaan, and son, Stratton, born and raised in Beaufort County, their roots run deep here, and their love for it, even deeper.
Pink Prescriptions - March 2021
Turn Your Frown Upside Down: Beautiful Smiles Have Never Been Easier With Cosmetic Dentistry
If you feel the urge to hide your smile, now is your time to say cheese! Cosmetic dentistry has never been so accessible, or advanced. Whether a little whitening will brighten your world, or you need to wear braces as an adult, a beautiful, brilliant smile, worthy of that big screen money shot, it easy to attain. And no longer do you have to have a mouth full of metal—or head gear, for Heaven’s sake! Want whiter teeth? You can check it off your to do list in about 90 minutes. There are many new and advanced procedures your cosmetic dentist offers that can help you look younger, healthier,and happier! Find your options and watch that frown turn upside down. Now that’s something to smile about.
Quote - March 2021
Skating Uphill - March 2021
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“I am called by Nature
in so many different ways. Are You?”
– The Uphill Skater –
As spring emerges, our life rhythms change and reflect the many shifts this can bring. I like to look at this time, especially now, as a challenge. Newness, even though it is recurring, is new, nonetheless. It is time to see what this year’s newness means to us at that deeply personal level where we all function.
Parenting March 2021: Micromanaging Your Child's Behavior
Living With Children by John Rosemond
A therapist takes a 10-year-old boy into what she calls “therapy.” The young fellow is belligerently defiant toward his parents and throws titanic tantrums when things don’t go his way. At school—virtual, going on a year—he’s distractible and doesn’t finish his work without being hovered over and harangued by his mother, a tactic that frequently precipitates more belligerence and a titanic tantrum.
Reel Corner - March 2021
Celebrating Gullah History
If you missed the month-long Gullah Celebration, hosted by Native Island Business and Community Affairs Association, the celebration showcased the rich cultural heritage of the Gullah people and their history in the Lowcountry. It included an art exhibition, “Taste of Gullah” and Gullah gospel music.