Skating Uphill - January 2022

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - January 2022

“Get fresh! It’s the New Year!”
– The Uphill Skater –

Fresh fish, fresh produce, fresh face, refresh and on and on. What we are talking about here is fresh! To me, fresh has mostly food meanings. I love to farmer’s market shop for crunchy veggies, and I always do “pick your own” fruits in season whenever I can. However, fresh also makes us think of renewal and rejuvenation—basically, freshening up. To freshen up ourselves or our surroundings can be daunting and frustrating. Sometimes we can’t even see what needs refreshening or just don’t know where to start. The New Year is the perfect time to revisit some goals that may have failed in the past. Now is the time for forgiving ourselves and giving whatever it is a fresh try.

Skating Uphill - December 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - December 2021

“WooHoo! Let’s Party! On second thought…
here’s some good advice you probably don’t want to hear.” 
– The Uphill Skater –

I recall one holiday season when my husband and I had party invitations for every night in December, including Christmas Eve. We could not believe it, and indeed felt very popular. That is until we realized that nearly everyone had social obligations for every night in December. Let’s face it y’all, the Lowcountry is a party kind of place, and Christmastime and the holidays are just too perfect to pass up a party! 

Skating Uphill - November 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - November 2021

“I often wonder how Elizabeth Millen
and her crew think up these really great themes?”
– The Uphill Skater –

This month’s theme, #FriendshipGoals, got me thinking the minute I read it. I not only thought about the word friendship, but also how in the world it could be tied in with the word goal? Eazzzy peazzy as it turns out, but because I am into food and nutrition, my first thoughts were about how to make food your friend. In other words, what sort of goals would you set to make food your actual friend? So many times in my day I think of food as the enemy: Cookies; chips of every kind (my weakness); that second glass of wine; butter; or extra cheese on anything. I could go on and on!

Skating Uphill - October 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - October 2021

“ ‘Fight Like a Girl’ may not mean anything
close to what you think it does!”
– The Uphill Skater –

Yes, you know it and so do I. When girls really get in a fight that matters, you better watch out. Sometimes winning takes time and can be hard, thankless work, but we never give up. Never, Never, Never! 

Skating Uphill - September 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - September 2021

You’re Not the Boss of Me. I am!” 
– The Uphill Skater –

I love the theme of this issue: #GirlBoss.

Women have made huge strides in so many areas. We, and pioneers before us, have opened doors, windows and chasms for others to succeed. The definition of success has also been changed, and this is the most important achievement of all. 

A girl boss is not necessarily a girl, or woman, who is the boss of others. She is first and foremost the boss of herself. She is someone who makes choices, controls her own destiny and looks after herself. She is also kind, generous and thoughtful. In other words, she is quite a package. 

Skating Uphill - August 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - August 2021

Yes, we are always trying to keep on top of all of the new stuff!” 
– The Uphill Skater –

We here at Pink Magazine are forever searching out new trends and up-to-date information on lifestyle happenings. I love to read anything different coming down the pike, particularly in the area of food and nutrition. So, here is the latest buzz phrase to hit the food scene: “Eat This, Not That.” This is so interesting and so broad that it has been a real challenge for me to watch it unfold and grow by leaps and bounds. I have even started a special space on my blog to share information, some of which is surprising, and some of which is actually quite shocking!

Skating Uphill - July 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - July 2021

“Being creative comes in all different shapes and sizes.
That’s why they call it creative!” 
– The Uphill Skater –

Are you ready to discover some new ways to be creative with food without 25 new ingredients and hours in the kitchen? Sure, I watch the Food Network and get great ideas, but in general, I find the recipes a bit complicated and heavy on ingredients I usually have to buy special and then never use again. Outrageous designs are often off putting, as well. I could no more make one of those big, beautiful, highly-decorated cakes than fly to the moon. How then can we regular people, who are in such a rut that we simply go for Ritz crackers and sliced cheese, actually do something different? 

Skating Uphill - June 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - June 2021

I love people who have the spirit of adventure and those who are searching for something different to do. Life for people like this can truly be full and challenging. I have sailed many thousands of miles in the ocean, hiked difficult trails, moved into unknown situations and much more. If you think about it, we all dream of having out of the ordinary experiences and adventures. My current adventure is spending two days a week with a six-year-old. What a thrill this has been, believe it or not! 

Skating Uphill - May 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - May 2021

I don't actually mean I hate any time of the year, especially spring. But, here is my situation: There are three times a year I am moved to get stuff done—a lot done! New Years Day, my birthday, and spring just get to me. On these three occasions I overwhelmingly feel everything I own has to be rearranged, repaired, organized, culled, donated to charity or thrown out. This might be hormonal, but I know that kind of thinking is out of date nowadays. Hormonal or not, I feel the uncontrollable urge to purge coming on, so I thought I would share some of the tasks I plan on tackling this spring.

Skating Uphill - April 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - April 2021

I don't actually mean I hate any time of the year, especially spring. But, here is my situation: There are three times a year I am moved to get stuff done—a lot done! New Years Day, my birthday, and spring just get to me. On these three occasions I overwhelmingly feel everything I own has to be rearranged, repaired, organized, culled, donated to charity or thrown out. This might be hormonal, but I know that kind of thinking is out of date nowadays. Hormonal or not, I feel the uncontrollable urge to purge coming on, so I thought I would share some of the tasks I plan on tackling this spring.

Skating Uphill - March 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - March 2021

 “I am called by Nature
in so many different ways. Are You?” 
– The Uphill Skater –

As spring emerges, our life rhythms change and reflect the many shifts this can bring. I like to look at this time, especially now, as a challenge. Newness, even though it is recurring, is new, nonetheless. It is time to see what this year’s newness means to us at that deeply personal level where we all function. 

Skating Uphill - February 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - February 2021

“If you cannot hear your heart song, maybe you need to pay more attention
to your surroundings.” – The Uphill Skater

Happy Feet is a movie I have watched with my grandson more than once. It is about a little penguin who has no heart song. We know, of course, that all penguins have a heart song, right? Anyway, this little guy opened his beak to sing like the other penguins and sounded like a dying toad. But, boy, could he dance! He is ostracized because he can’t sing, but in the end, he is accepted and embraced because he stuck with it and was true to himself.

Skating Uphill - January 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - January 2021

My first job when I went to back to work after 11 years home with my two children was as a substitute teacher. I lasted about three months and hated it. It was the worst thing I had ever done. There are some things you just can’t substitute and teachers are one of them. Either I fell in love with the class and then had to leave right away, or I really did not like the class and the teacher was out for weeks. I couldn’t win. I feel the same about many things we call substitutes. It’s not the real thing, and that’s a fact. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it just doesn’t.

Skating Uphill - December 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - December 2020

As many of you know, I subscribe to a variety of magazines, and I’m not liking what I’m reading. Both this and last month almost all of them are advising what I call shutting down, even from my very special favorite people Joanna Gaines and Dr. Oz, for heaven’s sake! Be quiet, snuggle up, curl up by a fire, long winter’s nap and on and on. How absolutely depressing! If you think you are going to get that kind of advice from me, think again. I am advocating just the opposite.

I love December, Christmas and all that goes with it, and I intend to keep as much of it as I can. My Husband and I had planned a gathering for a group of us who all volunteer at a thrift shop, but it got canceled. We had two other parties—also canceled. Just so you know, I am putting up all of the decorations I had planned on anyway. We were the first people in the neighborhood to have our lights up, and the day after Thanksgiving we went out and got our tree. And, I am wearing my Santa hat instead of one of those grey knit things, too. I need to keep my ears warm and this works just fine. Bah and Humbug are not welcome this year!

Skating Uphill - November 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - November 2020

I have been writing and talking about emotional, physical and mental health for quite a number of years, and you might think those things would be pretty constant. I mean good eats are good eats, right? Also, if you are on the ball and can do a cross word puzzle, you are pretty okay. If you don’t cry at the drop of a hat, and you aren’t hoarding automatic weapons, you should be pretty stable too, yes? Well, not so much.

First of all, food advice seems to change regularly with each new book that comes out, or every time Dr. Oz appears on the cover of a magazine. And, we all know from standing in line at the grocery how often we see him on the cover of everything! Spinach used to be really great for you, but now it has too much acid. Oranges are all right, but… acid! An apple a day used to keep the doctor away, but now it has to be an organic apple grown on a sustainable tree. I grew up on a farm, and we ate eggs. Now there are so many different kinds of eggs, it boggles the mind. Cage free, gently raised, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, more Omega-3s, and on and on. Honestly, and you know this, eggs range in price from less than a dollar a dozen to more than five dollars. It’s all a lot to keep up with.

Skating Uphill - October 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - October 2020

“Let’s talk about building.
I don’t mean a house, I mean ourselves!”
– The Uphill Skater –

Let me tell you something you probably already know: We have all been through, and in many cases are still going through, a really bad time. All the things that have come together in the last months have not melded gently, they have collided, basically smashing into each other with a boom heard around the world.

What does this mean for each one of us in our own little worlds? I like to see everything as an opportunity. Can we try to look at it that way? Read on and let’s think about building, rather than burning, creating rather than destroying!

Skating Uphill - September 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - September 2020

“Okay, so here is a question for everybody:
Are we ready to get back to basics, or what?”
– The Uphill Skater –

I am willing to be the one to ask about all of this. Are we ready to let things be what they are? Are we ready to begin to come back in ways that are comfortable for each one of us? Can we finally, or for just right now, not be bitter and angry when we talk about politics? Can we still love our friends and somehow agree to disagree without being disagreeable? Can we just shut up and wear our masks and not make this simple thing into a huge deal?

Skating Uphill - August 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - August 2020

“An anchor is something that provides stability
or confidence in an uncertain situation”
– The Uphill Skater –

As I sit down today to write this article, I am very aware of the fact that one of you may be reading it on August 31, and that by the time August 31 arrives, the whole country may have turned upside down, yet again. Life may have changed significantly between then and now. Sometimes I think I should have stayed with writing this column about good food and a healthy diet instead of veering off into the realms of a total healthy life style, which involves much more than food. Mental health and physical health are so intertwined that science tells us that we can no longer separate them.

Skating Uphill - July 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - July 2020

“Change your (your word here) and change your life!”
– The Uphill Skater –

I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it. Any number of magazines, self-help books and websites all hold the magic promise. Change your diet, change your life. Change your spending habits and be wealthy. Change your job and change your life, and so on. Well, I am here to add one, so get ready to listen to the REAL thing that can actually change your life if you actually want to do it: Change your attitude, and change your life, and boy, do I really mean it.

We are bombarded daily, hourly, if not minute-by-minute by people trying to tell us what to think and what to do. We are told what to wear, how much to weigh, how much money other people have and how we can get it. Worse yet, we have to look at pictures of the “rest of us” whether we want to or not. The last time I watched network TV, I saw a total of 14 commercials in the one hour time frame. I am not going to put up with it anymore, and I am advising you not to put up with it either.

Skating Uphill - June-2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - June-2020

“Summer 2020 may be different, but we can
make the best of it!” – The Uphill Skater

Summer 2020 may kick off with a bang, or with a fizzle, and it may continue locked down, or burst full bloom into the kind of summer we all know and love. This month may or may not tell the tale either. As you read this article, you may be thinking I am a forecasting genius, or I am just another nut case, who thinks she can predict the future. I do not know any more of this story than anyone else, and most likely, neither do you!

Skating Uphill - May 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - May 2020

“I have been telling you for years to be yourself,
but now I am upping the ante.
Yourself is no longer good enough.”
– The Uphill Skater –

For years I have been pounding the fact that being yourself is the only way to go for better or worse. Yet, today I am going to eat my words. We are in very troubled times no matter how you look at it, and it is time for all of us to see where we may fit in the new “normal.” Not just you, but “YOU,"  as the very best person you know how to be. The times call for it, and we need to do it for our own emotional and physical health. We are all a part of these unprecedented times, and I have done as I am advising you to do. In this column after all of these years, the only time I have ever given advice that I have not taken my self involved chocolate, so I am not doing badly.

Skating Uphill - April 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - April 2020

“#GoPlay gives us permission
to do exactly that, right?”
– The Uphill Skater –

I love this month’s theme, #GoPlay. It makes me feel empowered by the sheer intention of not only implying permission to play, but also encouraging play to be an important part of our daily lives. I will GoPlay now until my heart’s content, and what better time than the beautiful, colorful spring month of April. It is not too hot, not too cold, not too rainy, and not too dry. It is just perfect, which inspires me to offer a few suggestions. (My husband says I am never without suggestions, but I don’t believe that is a bad thing.)


Skating Uphill - March 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - March 2020

“It’s time to get up and out!”
– The Uphill Skater –

Spring has sprung and all of that glorious stuff. The temperatures are in the 70s and azaleas are competing with new spring daffodils for the big color award. In case you have not noticed, it is time to get out of that jacket, get off the sofa, and check out the world. Our publisher, Elizabeth Millen, was spotted walking at Harbour Town without a coat and having a gin and tonic, the ultimate summer drink. So how about the rest of us? That cold-stay-inside weather is over, ladies. It’s time to open windows, open minds, and let the sun shine in!

Let’s figure out what we can do about coming out of hibernation to return—or start—living a healthy, active life and not be sad watching HGTV all day, longing for other people’s houses and decor that seems way better than ours. I have done that, and don’t pretend you haven’t.

Skating Uphill - February 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - February 2020

 “February is the month of love, so how about we give some love to ourselves?”

– The Uphill Skater –

Yes, ladies, I am putting self-love out there for your consideration. We are so conditioned as women to love and serve others, that we frequently forget ourselves. In fact, I was sharing a Bible story with my Sunday school class last week, and we were talking about the miracle when Jesus healed the mother-in-law of Peter. After she was healed, the Bible said, she got up and began to serve them. What is that? She gets up from a sick bed and starts to serve the people just sitting around? Okay, you might think this not a good example and maybe from another time, both of which are correct, but have you ever known anyone who did not feel well, or was really sick and made dinner before collapsing into bed, or limped around getting the house clean before finally lying down to rest? I know I have not only heard of it, but I have been that person! Haven’t you?


Skating Uphill - January 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - January 2020

“Is there such a word as ‘unmotivated?’
I’m just wondering!”
– The Uphill Skater –

2019 was very up and down for me. I do not mean just weight either. A week or so ago, I was so unmotivated to look to the future that I took my 2019 resolution list, and made the 1 into a 2 by putting a little curl on the top, and made the 9 into a 0 by filling in the empty space up the side. Can you picture it? It now looks like I have brand new resolutions for 2020 on the totally unmodified 2019 list, and I still have them shamelessly up on my fridge.

Skating Uphill - December 2019

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - December 2019

“The theme of this month’s issue is #BeTheDifference—
a variation
of a quote by Ghandi. His quote verbatim is
‘Be the change you want to
see in the world,’
which actually makes it MUCH harder!”

– The Uphill Skater –

Honestly, Elizabeth Millen, our darling editor/publisher, comes up with the best themes for Pink. What a challenge to actually bring home something as broad, yet right to the point, as one person being the difference in the world; and then to think that person is perhaps you. Fact is, it’s each one of us.

Skating Uphill - November 2019

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - November 2019

I love the old saying “Blessed to be a Blessing”
as it has a special meaning to me.
– The Uphill Skater –

We all know that living a healthy lifestyle has as many pieces to it as a big jigsaw puzzle, and one of those pieces, without which nothing else goes together, is gratitude. Yes, actual data-driven studies have shown that people who are grateful for what they have, be it a lot or a little by the definitions of others, live lives that are less stressful, happier, and less driven by acquisition of goods or wealth. Being a grateful person brings many life benefits, but perhaps equally important, it also brings health benefits.

If we embrace the wonderful piece of the puzzle called gratitude, it reflects the way we interact—both outwardly and inwardly— with our loved ones, co-workers and all we encouter. “Blessed to be a Blessing” has tons of implications when you think about it.

Skating Uphill - October 2019

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - October 2019

I have been advocating a healthy lifestyle in this column for years, and I hope you understand that creativity, newness and imagination are not only a part of a good health formula, but essential to the whole picture. Having the same old thoughts, the same old food boredom and the same old drudgery of a daily routine are not only sworn enemies of creativity, but also of good mental and physical health, too.

How can we avoid the unimaginative rut and use creativity to work toward being our best selves? I tend to substitute, or define the word creative in two ways: I like to use the words change and imagine.

With that in mind, let’s look at some things
that are very easy to change...

Skating Uphill - September 2019

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - September 2019

Hey, new season! Better weather, fall clothes and no more summer reruns… and I don’t mean TV! Let’s get revved up to bust out and get inspired to move toward some better goals and different daily living. General good health and that desired, sought after healthy life style might need to be taken out and dusted off, right? Let’s try some ideas that may resonate and lead to a much better Fall.

My first suggestion is one that has really worked for me. Try (nothing radical) to do something you already do, but do it in a different way. This takes many forms. It could be something as simple as trying different tops with the same pants, or doing your hair in a different way without color or a cut. This is one I picked: I have stopped coloring my hair (gray is in) and I have put up a different style with my old cut. Yes, it worked, offering just a bit of a different look. But, if you really want change, enlist your hairstylist for help.

Skating Uphill - August 2019

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - August 2019

Old wisdom told us to age gracefully, but not anymore. I recently saw an advertisement in a magazine about a face moisturizer (OLAY) that the new thinking is not to age gracefully, but to age successfully. Doesn’t that seem way better? I like this new spin and the positive vocabulary. But, what does aging successfully mean, and what do we have to do to accomplish it?

Well, I have a few thoughts on the subject:
First, I have people of all ages around me all the time, and it is easy to pick out those who seem to be a success not just at aging, but also at simply living their lives. One of my church friends is 89 years old, and she is a hoot. Her health is not the best, but every Sunday she is dressed to the nines with matching bag and shoes—even earrings. I asked her how in the world she did that so well, and she told me she picks her activities—the ones important to her. Knowing she is unable to do everything she used to, she evaluated what she really wants to do and how she wants to spend her days with her now limited strength. Many things were cut, leaving only the activities and habits that make her happy and fulfilled. She wishes she had done it sooner, rather than wasting time and energy on things she didn’t want to do—so simple and so brilliant.