
Publisher - January 2020

Publisher - January 2020

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.  
—Carl Jung–

Almost every day I find myself wanting a do-over, meaning going back to the moment I woke up and begin again. This desire is usually fueled by a long to-do list that is not being checked off fast enough, or at all. Regardless how many tasks are on the list, most go undone, even though I’m full-throttle slammed all day long. It’s exhausting.


Hissy Fit - December 2019

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - December 2019

You hear it all the time: Shop local! But why should you? It’s so much easier to sit in bed with the world of retail at your fingertips. You never have to worry about running into anyone you know, or take time to drive to a store and go in. You can shop ’til you drop all by yourself without ever touching a product or talking to a human.

While online shopping seems to be the ticket for ease and convenience, shoppers need to think twice about dissing the local stores in their community. There are detrimental, long-term consequences to the massive growing, online shopping mentality.


Publisher - December 2019

Publisher - December 2019

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by te moments that take our breath away.  —unknown

What do you expect a miracle to look like? Does it have to be dramatic, like a person on their death bed suddenly showing no signs of illness, or can it merely be a fourth-grader going back to her first grade teacher’s class and reading to them? I’ll never forget the day when my now 21-year-old daughter and I shared one of those lasting moments, teaching me to see the small miracles that are in our lives everyday. In fact, this one started unfolding in my car while taking my daughter, Jacie, to school 12 years ago...


Hissy Fit - November 2019

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - November 2019

Is it possible the most wonderful time of the year is here already?
It’s true; the hurry-days—I mean holidays—are here,
and let me be amongst the first to ask if
you’re ready—such a silly question we greet each other with during this time of the year?

What happens if you’re not ready? Are they asking if I have cleaned, decorated inside and out, mailed Christmas cards, collected Christmas lists, made my own list, gift shopped, grocery shopped, wrapped (with bows), cooked and baked and am just sitting around with the only thing to do is open the door dujour on the Advent calendar? Of course I’m not ready. If I was, you wouldn’t see me at Wal-Mart buying more strings of white lights!

Another thing I think the question refers to: Are you ready to spend time with relatives—your own relatives, to be exact?


Publisher - November 2019

Publisher - November 2019

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.  —Willie Nelson

Ground Zero is the center of origin of rapid intense change. It is also the beginning—square one. Three years ago I found myself at Ground Zero, and learned how it became a blessing in disguise.

In the fall of 2016, everything normal in my life changed—rapidly and intensely. First, I became an empty nester. Some of you may think “Thank God,” but I was newly separated from a 24-year marriage, trying to hang on, and I found myself lost and lonely.

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