
Hissy Fit - May 2017

Hissy Fit - May 2017

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of “news” read online. It is the most user-UNfriendly format out there and the most obnoxious. Frankly, I’d rather listen to stupid car dealer ads, screaming, “Lowest prices ever” than try to read an article online. I have to assume I am not the only one tired of the trickery, bombardment and Big Brother-esque tactics of the Internet. Here’s my beef:


Publisher - May 2017

Publisher - May 2017

Last month I promised to tell you all the wonderful things that lightening up entails and how you can do it, too. I asked you to start saying yes to things you love—doing things that bring you joy and fill your spirit is the first way to lighten up. So many of us women are inundated with finding ourselves, losing ourselves, reinventing ourselves, or selling ourselves short, that often times we feel too busy, tired and overwhelmed to say yes to the real things that lift us up and make us feel alive.


Hissy Fit - April 2017

Hissy Fit - April 2017

We humans are a funny lot. We are smart (compared to animals) (well, some of us), complex, advanced, emotive, capable-of-learning, top-of-the-food-chain dominators. However, there are some simple theories most of us just can’t seem to absorb into our thick, upright-standing brains.


Publisher - April 2017

Publisher - April 2017

It’s spring and I have sprung. I’m ecstatic to finally feel hope re-enter my soul and happiness reconnect with my heart. It’s been a rough ride, and it’s not over. There is still a mountain of issues whirling around me—finalize divorce, re-build house, deal with insurance, work, work, work, etc. However, I have a new, fresh, positive, hopeful and light energy that has overtaken the sad, heavy burden of the last eight months. I can honestly say I am happy!


Publisher - March 2017

Publisher - March 2017

Inner turmoil and change have been the underlying theme of my life lately, with many life changes affecting me way more than I ever thought they would. It’s not all been negative, but it has been difficult. I realize I am becoming more and more resolute about what I want, and even more so about what I don’t want. That, I guess, is growth. We ran a quote page once that stated, “There is no growth in comfort, and no comfort in growth.” No words are more true.

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